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    2023-08-01 11:00 标签: 八字算命 风水 命理


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    to the the birth and death of the five of the signs on both sides。 It is best to have a birth and death , while and harm。 The Song of the Big Five ":" A white horse has been of a green ox, a sheep and a mouse meet once they rest, a snake sees a tiger like a knife, a pig sees an ape and a its end, a meets a in the , and a sees a dog in tears for 。

    It means harm to and cows, harm to sheep and mice, and so on。 If a 's signs this kind of harm, it is " " and will be in life and death。 There is also the "Song of " that goes, "If mice and don't get , and will split up at the sight of each other。 If the doesn't run to the , the river pig dare not jump out of the gate。 If the dog doesn't go up to the grave, the cows and sheep will meet in tears。

    " This to the of Zimao, Yin Shen, and horse, pig and , dog and snake, and cow and sheep。 If the 's signs these , they will also go their ways。

    2. Nian Zhu Na Yin Five


    It is to live with those who each other, and to avoid those who each other. Male gold and gold - Two gold face each other hard, with women empty doors men. They argue day and night for words, and each has their own heart and eyes; Male Jin and Mu - Jin and Mu have not been for many years, and all day long. It turns out that both lives are , and they have been for half their lives; Male gold and water - Water gold sit in high court, and joy, have two , each smart to learn , and so on.

    3. The Eight God Evil

    That is, to see if there is a evil that is not to both . There are types of evil that are for , such as Chen and , Luan and , Eight Evil, the Door and Widow, Bone , Iron Broom, Sky Star, Earth Star, and Yin Yang Error.

    For , the most used song of the Lone Luan and Few Que Sha is: "The wood fire snake has no son-in-law, the pig has no groom, the earth often lies alone, and the water tiger will be ." This means that the lives of Yi Si, Ding Si, Jia Wu, , Wu Shen, Ren Yin, who said and , will all harm their .

    4. The Eight Law: The Law of Lu Cai's " Book"

    This first human life into the four of 1, 3, 4, and 9 to the year of birth, and then them with the four of 2, 6, 7, and 8 to the year of birth.

    There are three types of first-class , anger (for those who are in the 14th, 28th, 39th, and 67th ), (for those who are in the 18th, 24th, 36th, and 79th ), and Fude (for those who are in the 13th, 27th, 49th, and 68th ). They all for a , a , and many and ;

    There are three types of , soul (those who are in the 16th, 29th, 38th, and 47th ), soul (those who are in the 11th, 22nd, 33rd, 44th, 55th, 66th, 11th, and 88th ), and body (those who are in the 19th, 26th, 34th, and 78th ), all of which are and , and the is ;

    There are two types of lower class , , Jue Ming (those born in the 12th, 37th, 48th, and 69th ) and Wu Gui (those born in the 17th, 23rd, 46th, and 89th ), both of which lead to harm and , to and death. in , they will each other and cause great harm to their lives.

    5. Eight , Five , and Ten

    That is to say, the of the eight , five , and ten of both sides is . If a man's life is full of wood and needs gold, it be with a woman's life with more than eight of gold; A woman's life is full of love for fire, and it is to be with a man's life with eight fire, and so on. The Ten Gods is for if the male life is more than the

    本站声明 文章纯属个人观点,仅供学习参考。






